Tuesday 8 December 2009

Putar Kepala in the Fourth

Guru Ed was away last night. So, no weapons training for me. I had a good time training empty hands striking Buahs, but, only last night that I realized that prior to this, we had learned 3 Buahs. How did I not notice that? I thought all we did was the First Buah and many Pecahans. I have to pay more attention to my Guru in class.

Last night, after spending most of the time revising the first three Buahs, Guru Jak showed us the Fourth. It's almost the same as what I had learnt before, only with a slight difference at the entry. The entry showed last night was a double eye jabs instead of just parrying a right cross and counter with a jab and a cross of your own against the opponent, which how how I had learnt before. Well, those double eye jabs are more economical, efficient and painful.

Then comes the Putar Kepala move. Guru Jak mentioned how Silat in the west widely adopts this move but he did mentioned how its implementation is flawed, based on his own many observations.

I think, the main thing that we have to pay attention is the opponent's ability to counter. Prior to the Putar Kepala, we must deliver blows to soften the opponent. During executions of the Putar Kepala, check for the opponent's ability to counter, and counter a counter if there should be one. Deliver more blows to weaken the opponent while you are at it.

After the Putar Kepala, bring the opponent down, but do not lose hold. Control  the opponent through joint manipulation. Then, Destroy.

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