Tuesday 10 November 2009

Silat : My Journey

A bronze sculpture of Hang Tuah, a legendary M...Image via Wikipedia
I find it very hard for me to write an entry, my first entry on this blog. I'm not sure why, but probably because I am still a newbie in Silat. This blog is set up to let me write about what I have learnt so far in Silat, what I have seen in the world of Silat, what i have read in literatures about Silat, and what I have heard when people with authorities or Silat Gurus when they spoke about Silat. I write them here so that can refer back when I need to, and, so that I will be able to remember.

My early encounters with Silat was probably through the idiotbox, either a P. Ramlee movie about the legendary Silat warrior Hang Tuah fighting Hang Jebat, or a short documentary about Silat in Sarawak produced by our national broadcaster. Both of which, I didn't liked much, maybe because I did not know how to appreciate Silat back then.

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During my junior school days, I remember a religious teacher, an Ustadz, offered to teach his students which included me of course, Silat. However, it was not to be conducted in school, but at the vicinity of his house. So, I could not participate even though I was quite interested.

Then, in my high school days, I tried to join a Silat club. I attended their introductory session. Its embarrassing to say but I should mention here that I didn't join that Silat club after that brief first trial session. Probably because the teacher mentioned something about his mind reading abilities, and I didn't like that. I was so possessive of my dark secrets and impure thoughts I guess.

Several years later, I tried again, joining another Silat club in college. Well, this time it lasted for a few weeks. I think, Silat refused to accept me as a student, or simply, I just don't find Silat interesting enough.

Fast forward to early 2007, I was trying to lose 20 kilos off me, was into sidearms training but ammunition cost me a bomb every time I train, and the movie 300 was just released here in Malaysia. I got inspired by the movie with its idea of a Spartan warrior society defending a small nation against an expanding mighty and powerful empire.

So, I asked people about Martial arts training. I asked about what kind of martial arts would be good to learn. Someone I knew back then who were a Silat practitioner suggested that Muay Thai is a good art to learn after making some comparative inquiries on several Martial arts. Yes, I think at that time I have watched Ong Bak although it didn't left a big impression on me as 300 did.

May 2007 if I'm not mistaken, I signed up for a Muay Thai class in Petaling Jaya at a place called Jak Othman Martial Arts Studio. Well, for the first few months, it was Kickboxing, or Fitness Kickboxing, not really Muay Thai. It was fun though, learning my Jabs, Crosses, Hooks, Uppercut, and, roundhouse kicks, knees and front kicks.

Halfway through a Kickboxing session, the guys in full black uniform come into the studio and my Kru who was wearing his Muay Thai pants and the studio top would suddenly reappear in his black Silat three-quarter pants and a Javanese batik shirt. It took me few Kickboxing sessions to know that the person that owns this Kickboxing studio is the world renowned Silat guru, Guru Jak Othman.

While doing my punches and my kicks, I would take a peek at them doing their Silat moves. I became intrigued with this Art. Looking up Silat in Youtube and and the web in general made me more fascinated with it. I had to stay back after my Kickboxing class to watch them train and ask questions about Silat to my Guru. Well, to cut things short, I was accepted to into their fold a few months later.

Now, two years later, I'm still doing Silat, the Harimau Berantai system, and I'm still so passionate about it. I missed a few classes lately I have to admit, due to health reasons and some personal matters I had to attend to, and I might be missing a few more next week because my sole training partner Guru Ed is flying off Down Under. However, I don't think I would be leaving this art anytime soon. I can't make any promises but I hope this will last a lifetime. This Silat journey of mine has just begun. One little step at a time.


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