I'm having problem trying to update this blog again. I can't access the Internet from home through my broadband that I have just subscribed recently.
However, I'm quite determined to update this blog more regularly this year. So, I am now typing with two fingers on my 10 days old iPhone4. Quite a daunting task I would say.
Let me share with you a sketching that I made during times like this. It is a sketching of a particular locking posture that would be key in helping me remember the entire first Buah. Please excuse my poor sketching skills :-)

These sketches look painful aren't they? Let me assure you that they are. I have been a frequent recipient of these locks. :-)
However, I'm quite determined to update this blog more regularly this year. So, I am now typing with two fingers on my 10 days old iPhone4. Quite a daunting task I would say.
Let me share with you a sketching that I made during times like this. It is a sketching of a particular locking posture that would be key in helping me remember the entire first Buah. Please excuse my poor sketching skills :-)
These sketches look painful aren't they? Let me assure you that they are. I have been a frequent recipient of these locks. :-)